Mint leaves are full of antioxidants and phytonutrients. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C and B-complex, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and manganese, which improve hemoglobin levels and promote brain function.
Mint leaves are low in calories and contain minimal amounts of protein and fat, so you can easily add mint leaves to your weight loss diet.
It also relieves the irritation caused by chronic cough. Peppermint is highly recommended for asthma patients as it acts as a good relaxant and relieves chest congestion. Daily consumption of mint leaves can provide a soothing effect for asthma patients.
Helps relieve headaches caused by overexertion and stress.
Gargling with mint decoction soothes sore gums.
How to use Mint leaf
Infusion: 2 teaspoons of leaves per 250 ml of boiling water is drunk unsweetened in sips for 1 day.
Mint leaf, dry and crushed (Mentha piperita L.).
Individual intolerance to the composition of the herb, allergies. Children under 3 years old. Drowsy state. Hypotonia. Inhalation in large doses is dangerous. Do not use an infusion with too high a concentration. During breastfeeding.